“A chakra is a circular shaped energy body that directs life energy (prana) for physical and spiritual wellbeing” - Cyndi Dale
What are chakras?
There are many definitions of chakras but they all connect to the Sanskrit word that refers to “a wheel” or “a disk”. More descriptively the chakras are often called energy centres, wheels of energy or energy vortexes.
According to the ancient traditions of Yoga & Ayurveda the chakras exist in the subtle body (subtle meaning something that you cannot see but what you can feel). According to the tantric tradition, there are 114 chakras in the body out of which 7 are the big, important ones.
These 7 chakras are located in the main branchings of the nervous system where both metaphysical (spiritual) and biophysical (concrete) energies come together. Each chakra has its own unique function that is connected to a specific organ and the endocrine system. Each of the chakras also has its own attributes, element, colour and sound.
Where do chakras come from?
Chakras actually appear in various ancient traditions but the most commonly known system is the 7 chakra system of Hinduism which originated in India somewhere between 1500 and 500 BC. It is described in the ancient texts, The Vedas, which are the earliest of Hindu scriptures.
What's the point?
In practices such as Yoga, Ayurveda and Reiki the idea is to remove any blockages and glumps of stagnant energy and to balance, open and align the chakras so that the prana (energy) can flow through them freely. This is believed to support our physical and spiritual wellbeing.
For enlightenment purposes, the goal is to keep the chakras and the Nadis (the subtle energy channels that connect the chakras) open so that the kundalini energy can rise all the way from the first chakra at the base of the spine to the seventh chakra at the crown of the head leading to an expanded state of consciousness, which is known as the kundalini awakening.
When working with the chakras it is important to start from the ground up. First exploring the root chakra which relates to stability, safety, nourishment and belonging to establish a good base for your wellbeing. This is crucial because without first establishing a good, grounded base it would be difficult to explore the higher chakras such as the third eye chakra that is related to intuition, connection with the divine and higher knowing.
Muladhara-Root chakra
Element: Earth
Location: Tailbone
Colour: Red
Sense: Smell
Endocrine system: adrenal glands
The foundation of your house. The Muladhara chakra is responsible for your sense of security and survival. It’s connected to your basic, primal needs such as having water, food, shelter and safety. To balance this chakra try walking barefoot in nature.
When aligned:
-you feel strong, confident, stable and supported
-you feel like you can stand on your own feet
When blocked:
-feelings of neediness, low self-esteem, self-destructiveness, anxiety and fear
-physical problems in the colon or bladder, lower back issues or problems with legs and feet
Yoga poses that activate muladhara chakra: tadasana, wide legged forward fold, malasana, janu shirshasana, padmasana, pavanamuktasana
Bija mantra: LAM
Swadhisthana -Sacral chakra
Element: Water
Location: Pelvis / sacrum
Colour: Orange
Sense: Taste
Endocrine system: Testes/Ovaries
Swadhisthana chakra is responsible for your sexual and creative energies. To balance this chakra try spending time around water or engaging in an activity that gets your creative juices flowing.
When aligned:
-you feel friendly, passionate and fulfilled, receptive to change
-experiences of abundance, pleasure and joy
When blocked:
-feeling uninspired
-fear of change
-emotional instability, depression and addiction
-physical sexual dysfunction
Yoga poses that activate swadhisthana chakra: pidgeon, goddess pose, warrior II
Bija mantra: VAM
Manipura-Solar plexus chakra
Element: Fire
Location: Just above the navel
Colour: Yellow
Sense: Sight
Endocrine system: Pancreas / liver / spleen
Source of personal power, will power and commitment. The Manipura chakra rules over your inner strength. To align this chakra try challenging yourself by doing something that takes courage and pushes you out of your comfort zone.
When aligned:
-confidence to take action
-feeling productive and alive
When blocked:
-feelings of indecisiveness and anger
-control issues, procrastination
-you might be easily taken advantage of
-Physical issues in the gut, digestive issues, gas, issues in the middle back
Yoga poses that activate Manipura chakra: Boat pose, twists, plank, warrior III
Bija Mantra: RAM
heart chakra
Element: Air
Location: Chest & Heart
Colour: Green
Sense: Touch
Endocrine system: Thymus / heart
This one is all about love, compassion, forgiveness and acceptance. The Anahata is the middle chakra and it is the meeting point of the physical and the spiritual uniting the lower chakras of matter and the higher chakras of spirit. To align this chakra perform an act of kindness without expecting anything in return.
When aligned:
-you experience feelings of unconditional love, compassion, connection and forgiveness
-you are accepting and kind towards others and yourself
-being generous and authentic
When blocked:
-feelings of grief, jealousy or hatred
-fear of being betrayed or holding a grudge, holding on to pain in general
Yoga poses that activate Anahata chakra are: heart and shoulder openers such as, upwards facing dog and wheel, reverse plank
Bija mantra: YAM
Throat chakra
Element: Ether
Location: Throat
Colour: Blue
Sense: Hearing & Speech
Endocrine system: Thyroid
Ruler of all communication. Vishuddha chakra allows you to hear, speak from an authentic place and express yourself clearly. To align this chakra try the skill of mindful listening and speaking: when having a conversation, instead of letting your mind wander and think about what you will say next see if you can actively listen and pay attention to what others are saying. When listening and speaking, try to keep at least 10% of your attention in your body sensations.
When aligned:
-clear communication, you feel heard and understood
-the ability to express yourself clearly
-good listening skills
When blocked:
-lying, problems with speaking your truth or finding your voice
-being overly talkative and not listening to others
-fear of judgement
-problems with attention
-physical problems with throat pain, thyroid, neck and shoulder issues, tension headaches
Yoga poses that activate Vishuddha chakra: fish, plow, shoulder stand
Bija mantra: HAM
Third eye chakra
Element: Supreme element / light
Location: Between the eyebrows
Colour: Indigo / Violet
Sense: Intuition
Endocrine system: Pituitary
“The sixth sense”. Ajna chakra governs all the rest of the chakras as well as your intuition and perception, your inner wisdom. It is seen as the bridge between you and the outside world. To access the Ajna chakra you first have to align the rest of the chakras. Try also meditating or chanting the mantra AUM (Om).
When aligned:
-ability to tap into your intuition
-having insight and trust for your vision
-an ability to see the bigger picture and to see things from multiple perspectives
When blocked:
-difficulty accessing your intuition and trusting your inner compass
-relying too much on logic
-close-mindedness, judgemental, untrusting or cynical thoughts
-physical problems such as dizziness, brain issues, headaches
Yoga poses that activate Ajna chakra: child’s pose, dolphin pose, eagle pose
Bija mantra: AUM
Crown Chakra
Element: Beyond elements
Location: Said to be either at the top of the head or slightly above
Colour: Clear / White
Sense: Beyond senses
Endocrine system: Pineal
The crown is the centre of pure awareness and consciousness, connection to our higher selves, others and to the universe. The Sahasrara chakra is a bit different from the other chakras as it can only be aligned by certain meditative and yogic practices. The actual chakra is not located in the body, instead, it is said to hover right on top of the crown of the head.
When aligned:
-ultimate connection to the universe
-feeling of oneness, freedom, equanimity, spiritual connectivity
-pure love
When blocked:
-just feeling like your normal self, feeling ok
-expecting happiness to come from the outside
-feelings of isolation and emotional distress
-feeling disconnected from yourself or from others
Yoga poses that activate Sahasrara chakra: headstand, tree pose, shavasana, silent meditation
Mantra: Silence or AUM (Om)